their learning?
2. How can I help my students engage in world conversations?
3. How can I continually raise the bar for my students’ creations?
today’s students can create for, and share their work with, a world
Ask yourself: What could my students create and share with the
world that would enhance their learning? Now go ask your students
the same question. Are there differences between their ideas and
yours? Encourage your students to create and share those things, and
jointly review whatever feedback arrives.
be careful not to praise work, or evaluate
it highly, just because it uses technology.
When asked to
communicate something, express an opinion, or give a logical explanation,
it is fine if students want to write a traditional essay. But a blog post,
video, animation, game, game design, or even a rap song might
demonstrate equally well that they know and understand the material.
Carefully listening to
students and letting them act on their likes and desires
When asked to
communicate something, express an opinion, or give a logical explanation,
it is fine if students want to write a traditional essay. But a blog post,
video, animation, game, game design, or even a rap song might
demonstrate equally well that they know and understand the material.
Carefully listening to
students and letting them act on their likes and desires
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